Husband – A Loving God

            In today’s age, it can be said that this age is of feminine in which every writer / poet will keep the woman in the forefront and expand it in . But today a quarrelsome wife is writing about her ‘compassionate’, ‘innocent’, ‘loving’ husband.


Marriage is the union of two souls: –

“Marriage” is the best ‘group’ that unites two souls. This group is not just two creatures but two families connecting the environment around it. The group has a long semantics. Both will protect each other at the different time of marriage life.

The moral duty of ‘husband’ and ‘wife’: –

        Husband and wife have their own daily responsibilities. You cannot say that husband is superior to wife or wife is superior to husband. But it can be said with certainty that wife and husband have become equal in this age.

       Husbands usually have responsibilities outside the home like office work, Property work, work related to banking, Families future planning, House loan EMI, Traveling, fulfil every members dream and much more. Also, sometimes he has to kill his own dreams to make it happen for the others. Generally, it can be said that the wife runs the house but, it is husband who do all the hard work to make house always running and up. Also make children studying and maintaining family ties are the wife’s duties.


Husband’s struggles in today’s age: –

In this modern age, increasing needs create a shortage of money. Today, there is a lot of hard work behind every job. Husbands are having a hard time meeting these needs. Money to run a house, paying a home loan, paying children’s fees etc. these are becoming challenge day by day. Also, Income is low against inflation in today’s time. Tensions of job loss No salary, Medical bills, insurance are always to there to depress the mind.

Husband’s challenges against need: –

              Today every man wants to have a good business or job. Every husband has to make money, but as today’s modern technology is emerging, Lack of knowledge about this technology makes the husband more worried. Also, unemployment is increasing at its height in the country. This is a matter of concern for one husband as the number of people demanding lower salaries in return for more work.


Its time for Wife (only this perspective has been focused here)

Wife’s ‘initiative’ against husband’s challenges: –

           It is the responsibility of the wife to relieve the worries of the husband who comes home tired from work. The wife should cooperate with the husband in all matters he has. It will raise like a ray of consolation and companionship for the husband.

In cost part, to reduce the financial burden on husband, wife should take initiate to reduce the household expenses. Also, some not so necessary purchase of extra clothes and other items can be avoided, luxury expanses like eating in a good hotel, frequent travelling and other social expanses can be reduced. These little steps can release much more burden on husbands’ mind.

‘Good behaviour’ with husband::

    To relieve the anxiety of a debt-ridden husband, Take an interest in everything he says. Don’t talk rudely to him. Asking the index of all day. Making their favourite dish. Remembering for sure that never hurting the husband due to lack of money. he is also a good father along with a husband. He is also worried about his children and family. It is the duty of a wife to accompany him in all his good deeds. A wife should always say a sentence to a worried husband “Don’t worry, I am always with you no matter whatever the time you going through” Remember that a generous husband will love you as much as the sea when he hears this sentence.

About Kruti A

Kruti is Writer, Poetess, Cook and a loving wife as well. She loves to write on personalities, events and tries to uncover the facts on some buried stone.

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