What is wellness and it’s 8 dimensions

Generally, we are comparing wellness with our wealth and health, which is not completely right. wellness is more than being more than not being an ill and wealthy. it is not limited to but includes, how your daily routine is, how happier you are, what kind of lifestyle you maintain, how independent you live, how much freedom you enjoy, how less stressed you remain, how socially you are connected, what faith, beliefs and ethic you practice, how financial stable and planned you are etc. these all impact your wellness score.

What is Wellness ?

Wellness is a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being, and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity

World Health Organisation

Wellness is the technique of becoming aware of and making selections toward a happier and fulfilling life. It is a dynamic process of change and growth. a good or satisfactory condition of existence; a state characterized by health, happiness, prosperity & welfare.

Dimensions of Wellness

Personal Wellness can be described in 8 major dimensions as below.

Physical Wellness

Physical wellness includes but not limited to, not getting illness, performing daily exercise and remain active, get enough of sleeps, eating health and good diet and drink well, getting regular health check-ups, avoid bad habits like drinking alcohol, taking drugs and smoking cigarette. All these factors can be considered in identifying personal physical wellness.

Emotional Wellness

Emotional Wellness is all about your thoughts, your experience and your ability to handle the stress and negative experience. Your are getting lots of experience, having much of thoughts, opinions and stress in day to day life. but, How you treat all these to self well-being and self care or self improvement is emotional wellness. It teaches you how to react with it, how to treat that experience to reduce the stress and convert it to fruitful result in personal well-being.

Financial Wellness

Financial wellness is all about, how your lifestyle is, your savings, your future goal and its planning. your insurance, your emergency fund planning & future expenses planning, financial stress and how do you manage it. it also include your financial freedom as one of the key element. You can ask all these questions to your self to determine the financial wellness score of yours.

Social Wellness

Social wellness is important in out daily life as being social creatures. our social commute can helps us to reduce the stress also. Get positive people around helps you maintain your stress level. In general, social wellness includes, how you commute, helps each others, support each other, make positive environment near by. According to reports, better socially connected people tends to live longer life compare to not social connected people. Also, these people have lower changes to get heart disease and blood pressure problems.

Environmental Wellness

As its name, Its related to what is around you, It could be nature, your living place, or your social commute. Always try to think about nature or natural resources before taking related decisions. Do maximize your recycle and reuse & minimize waste, is the simple steps to maintain environmental wellness around you. Also, keep your place neat and clean & maximize your time with nature to interact.

Intellectual Wellness

This part of wellness is within your mind, It includes, what do you think, how creative you are, how active you are and how artistic you are. This wellness is related to power your self and found the creative personal inside you. How often you came-up with the new ideas, How you improve your skills and maximize your own potential.

Spiritual Wellness

According to AAEP, Spiritual wellness provides us with systems of faith, beliefs, values, ethics, principles and morals. A healthy spiritual  practice may include examples of volunteerism, social contributions, belonging to a group, fellowship, optimism, forgiveness and expressions of compassion. Spiritual wellness allows one to live a life consistent with his or her’s own belief and moral systems, while we establish our feeling of purpose and find meaning in life events.

Occupational Wellness

Occupational wellness is balance between personal and professional life, while enjoying health, Wealth and personal satisfaction. If you are doing work of your interest, which fits for your lifestyle, improves your skills, have challenges that you love to achieve and growth, that you want in your professional path, than you definitely have your occupational wellness with you.

Reaching a particular level of health and life satisfaction that we defined for ourselves in each dimension could also be considered as achieving Wellness. It is different for everyone.

Ask yourself questions and assess your own wellness, If you can answer “yes” to most of these questions, you’re doing good. But, If not, you can take help of wellness experts near by to improve your wellness score.