Know about Minerals


As we discussed about vitamins, its type & benefits of it in our las post, today we will discuss all about minerals. Same as vitamins, Minerals are important for our body to maintain & develop the work efficiency of organs. It plays vital role in our body to perform our daily routine task easily as a part of micronutrients requirement.

Minerals is an inorganic substance found in nature. it is mainly in single chemical element or may have compound structure.

What differentiate minerals from vitamins ?

Major difference between Vitamins and Minerals are their chemical type & findings

Main source of inorganic compound minerals are nature. most of the minerals found from water your drink, plant food you eat and by other means you can find it easily. where as vitamins are harder to find from theses resources

In another difference, mineral’s chemical composition will be the same after you have it, it will not change to another compound nor react to another compound and make complex item, where as in case of vitamins, our digestive system will react with vitamins and can convert it into another organic compound useful to our body.

Types of Minerals

As per our body requirement, these minerals can be divided into two part as follows,

1. Major minerals

Above listed minerals can be count as vital and major minerals as it requires in little bit more amount in our body to be helpful as compared to trace minerals

All these minerals have their job to do in our body either it may be to balance the water quality or strengthen your bone. We will cover proper wok of these minerals in our next article.

2. Trace minerals

  1. Chromium
  2. Copper
  3. Fluoride
  4. Iodine
  5. Iron
  6. Manganese
  7. Molybdenum
  8. Selenium
  9. Zinc

All above minerals requires in our body, but not in much quantity as major minerals, Hence, We will count them as trace minerals. although it requires in small quantity, but they have equal importance as major minerals due to their specific job. Like irons job is to enrich the blood with oxygen and maintain it through out your body. zinc helps your to fight foreign infection by providing immune support system. it also helps to fight against blood clot problem in blood cells. where as copper helps to develop enzymes in our body to digest the food properly whatever you eat.

Same as vitamins and mineral relationship, both the minerals have also relation with each other. A little extra manganese intake can create iron deficiency. where as higher or lower intake of iodine can effect thyroids hormones.

Things to take care

As both the minerals required in our body in very much less quantity, Intense care should be taken while taking it as supplements. Little more and less intake can cause imbalance in your body and effect hormons and organ working change.

Where to find the Minerals

You can refer below table to find where you can have these minerals