A1 or A2 ? Everything to know about milk.

Milk takes major part of our daily diet. Also its requirement becomes necessity  for children and newborns. But what if you found that it bad for health instead of improve it? yes it is shocking as hell. So let’s find out in detail.

As we all know that Milk is very important for us. Milk is rich in providing calcium and protein to our bodies which is very essential for mental as well as physical development. Apart from protein and calcium, milk also provides lactose, fat, vitamins and minerals.

Types of milk

If you talk about types according to protein, Milk has two types of proteins in general: – whey and casein. Milk contains 80% casein protein and rest is whey.

In casein protein mainly there are two types of casein found

  1. Alpha casein
  2. Beta casein

Each of casein has its own amino acid composition, genetic variations, and functional properties

In beta casein, there are 12 types of genetic variants are present in which  A1 and A2 are most known for its property.

Availability of A1 and A2 milk

Both type of milk is available in market

A1 Type Milk

We get A1 type milk from Jersey cows, foreign breed cows as well as mixed race type cows. This type of cow is also called hybrid cow. Also, most of dairy is producing only A1 milk (including AMUL and likewise other dairies). But some dairy has started A2 type milk selling in major metro cities like mumbai, Delhi where may be you can find it easily.

A2 Type Milk

 We get milk from desi (Indian) cows. Gir cow is desi cow. Desi cow’s milk is considered to be the best. This type of cow’s milk is described by our ancient sages in Vedas and Shastras. This milk is considered similar to mother’s milk. A2 type milk is also available in East African countries.

A2 type cow’s milk contains casein protein but also contains amino acids which we call proline which play an important role for the body development.

Role of Proline in A1 and A2 Milk: –

Type A2 milk contains proline. It prevents BCM 7 from reaching our body.

BCM 7 is an opioid peptide. Which our body cannot digest and may causes many diseases including type 1 diabetes.

BCM 7 is likely to be found in the intestines and in blood of cow which gives A1 Type of Milk. That is why A1 milk is difficult to digest. However BCM 7 is not be found in Cow which produces A2 type Milk. This quality has increase the weights to such cows over cows that produces A1 type Milk.

Milk with A1 beta casein is high in BCM 7 while A2 Milk is mild for digestion

According to research,

 The US National Library of Medicine believes that if this milk is given to children, it can cause diabetes and heart related diseases.


According to many research reports, type A1 milk is completely harmful. But still It has not been proved yet, till than we cannot say any disadvanges to drink it.

About Kruti A

Kruti is Writer, Poetess, Cook and a loving wife as well. She loves to write on personalities, events and tries to uncover the facts on some buried stone.

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